What is Ponorogozone [dot] com
>> Monday, January 4, 2010
Lots of road to success, one of them by creating a network without boundaries through the Internet. This high-class communication to make people more interested in access, not only in specific areas but the entire world. All the information we find almost there. Through this Internet world appears bright idea, Ponorogo If we make online how?
With online Ponorogo, promotion of tourism and cultural world more quickly, creating a longing for residents outside the city, and build a broader Silahturahmi.
The above reasons make us (Team) has launched Online Community Forum Ponorogozone, WWW.PONOROGOZONE.COM. Through this website, we will Ponorogo wide exposure. Ranging from tourism to business opportunities in Ponorogo. All citizens will participate in this. The young generation, Students and Students will play an important role in the development of the next Ponorogo. So from now on, we create a container for them to learn to access information Online.
A gift PonorogoZone invaluable for the Team, because until now we still exist with the website said this Ponorogo community pride. Although in its development, all of our responsibilities with other team. It's not an easy thing to maintain Ponorogo culture. With a little hope, we try to maintain eye Ponorogo in the International World.
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