Student Activity Unit Reyog Art Student Societies SIMO BUDI UTOMO

>> Monday, January 4, 2010


jl. Budi Utomo No. 10 tel. 0352 461124 fax 0352 461796 ponorogo 63,471

Student Activity Unit Reyog Art Student Societies zero SIMO UTOMO (SMEs PSRM SBU) was established on 14 January 2004 and ratified by REKTOR decree dated 28 April 2005, speech problems ukm age is still very young in a university environment muhammadiyah ponorogo

SIMO zero PSRM UTOMO is a community or a container for Exploring Potential Ponorogo Muhammadiyah University Students for Cultural Anglelrui Jawi (Javanese Culture Preserving) Particularly in Reyog Art. SIMO BUDI UTOMO PSRM equally Studios Or Just Another association, but SMEs zero SIMO UTOMO PSRM Own Unique Advantages, The Adding Performance Jatilnya In JILBAB, like Aksoris That Describes The Action Not Just Socialize the Regional Arts Only But Also Have unsure Dahwah In Every acting ..

A glimpse of our many

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