Student Community Ponorogo Janggala Nature Lovers
Welcome To Janggala
PPA is the organization Janggala Nature Lovers Students who are in the shade smkn
JENANGAN PONOROGO 1. Nature Lovers this organization stood around the year 1989 founded by Guru SMK own.
What Does the
Janggala own? Janggala is short for "Do not disturb Nature" What draws us to keep the young subjects of nature and protect nature for the future of our children and grandchildren. Come on!!
Birthday Janggala The 20 Saturday Night held Sunday visiting at the home of Sister Eka Puji Aloon address at Kulon-aloon Ponorogo. The event only to strengthen the relationship between nature lovers from the first generation to generation 20. Success for the Janggala. Hopefully smooth and successful event!
For further info please contact
Fencing (chairman) 087,758,996,377
Yuda (admin) 085,233,896,555