>> Saturday, December 25, 2010
Malaysia! Musuh Bebuyutan yang Serumpun - Forum Ponorogo Komunitas Online http://ping.fm/bOko6
Read more...lovers of the online world ponorogo
Malaysia! Musuh Bebuyutan yang Serumpun - Forum Ponorogo Komunitas Online http://ping.fm/bOko6
Read more...Stand Pozone Clothing @Grebeg Suro 2010 Expo |
*) Dalam rangka ikut memeriahkan Grebeg Suro 2010 dan Festival Reyog Nasional XVII, kami hadir di Pameran Industri Kecil dan Produk Unggulan, Gedung Sasana Praja lantai 1 Ponorogo, tgl. 01 - 07 desember 2010. Monggo pinarak!
Penyelenggaraan Grebeg Suro tahun 2010 ada perubahan dan peningkatan dalam pelaksanaannya. Grebeg Suro 2010 dapat menyerap kunjungan wisata baik wisatawan domestic maupun mancanegara ke Kabupaten Ponorogo. Merupakan Starter point dalam menyongsong Tahun Kunjungan Wisata Jawa Timur 2011.
Tema Grebeg Suro 2010
Official logo of the National Reyog Festival XVII - Grebeg Suro 2010, PONOROGO - INDONESIA |
Sebuah boneka yang mengenakan setelan jas biru tua dan dasi merah menampilkan wajah Obama. Boneka tersebut dipamerkan di Festival Budaya Seks ke-8 baru-baru ini di Guangzhou di China selatan. Boneka yang difoto oleh media Pemerintah China itu meringkuk di balik beberapa boneka perempuan plastik lainnya. Demikian lapor Telegraph, Kamis (4/11/2010).
From: http://ping.fm/BHXWi
Sejak hari kedua gempa dan tsunami menghantam dan meluluhlantakkan 31 dusun di 8 desa dan 4 kecamatan di Mentawai serta menyebabkan 400-an orang tewas, 280-an warga hilang dan 300-an orang cedera, bantuan terus berdatangan tak berkeputusan.
From: http://ping.fm/6bZEv
JAKARTA - Pemerintah harus membantu keluarga enam tenaga kerja Indonesia yang tewas dalam proyek pembangunan jalan tol di Nantou, Taiwan, untuk mendapatkan keadilan hukum. Santunan Rp 275 juta per orang jangan sampai menganulir proses hukum.
From: http://ping.fm/HF8PW
Shaun White Skateboarding keluaran Ubisoft akan dirilis sebentar lagi, namun versi PlayStation 3-ny akan mengalami penundaan.
From: http://ping.fm/q1eOz
Bekas dan tanda persetubuhan yang dilakukan Samuri sejak malam tadi di ranjang itu masih dibiarkan begitu saja. Lelaki 35 tahunan ini rupanya masih sangat berhasrat kembali untuk dapat mengulangi lagi perbuatan nistanya itu hingga pagi menjelang. Samuri sudah tidak pedulikan lagi bayangan wajah mandor Kwon Ang yang siap memarahinya jika terlambat masuk pabrik jam 8 pagi nanti. Nafsunya sudah mengalahkan akal sehatnya. Baginya, wajah dan tubuh telanjang Sriyani lebih ia pilih ketimbang hal lainnya di dunia ini.
Konser Bondan Fade2black di Ponorogo (dok: POzone) |
Terima kasih bapak, ibu, adik, teman-teman, juga seluruh guru-guruku TK PGRI Jambon, SD Negeri 2 Krebet, SMP Negeri 1 Kauman, dan utamanya SMA Negeri 1 Ponorogo yang telah membantu dan membimbingku, sehingga saya bisa pergi ke Amerika.
Thank you for all the experiences America! I̢۪m going to miss you, so much J
From: http://ping.fm/RdbAa
T-shirt Reyog Ponorogo |
T-shirts Reog Ponorogo |
T-shirt Warok Ponorogo |
T-shirt Warok Ponorogo |
Wisata Religi Masjid Tegalsari - Ponorogozone.com - Ponorogo Komunitas Online http://ping.fm/nDUVI
Read more...Performed by :SINGO LODOYO USA
Washington DC,USA
The dance known as Reog is a very spectacular dance with several dancers wearing bright colorful costumes accompanied by merry gamelan music.
It is always played in the open terrain, such as in a square, street etc. This dance which always draws a lot of spectators is a traditional art dance combined with magical show or a trance dance.
Student Community Ponorogo Janggala Nature Lovers
Welcome To Janggala
Poby is one of the many bboy crew in Indonesia. 6 years ago, young children are gifted Breakdance only fun to learn. They too spirit and finally they try to make members Breakdance called "UFOs" consisting of 4 bboy. Year after year, and eventually changed its name to "Poby Crew" until now.
Poby now has 18 members bboy.
And may they be the best.
Martindo was founded in early 2007 on Ponorogo Initial idea for the establishment Martindo tercetus seen the potential of SMEs in Ponorogo that produce quality products but tend to still have a narrow target market because of distribution problems. Departure from the problem, so we agreed to establish a business enterprise engaged in the distribution services sector SME products to the market in Ponorogo National.
Martindo establishment gained a good response from SMEs in Ponorogo. Generally they find it helpful in the process of distributing and marketing their products.
After success in the field of distribution services, develop and begin Martindo penetrated other services, which among others are: recruitment services (in collaboration with Amerindo Jaya Abadi CV), event organizer, and even a dating service.
Until now, Martindo has successfully built a network in several cities in Indonesia, including the Jakarta and Batam. And external networks in developed countries like Japan and America.
And a remarkable achievement in this 2009 mid-year opportunity to Martindo GO ONLINE Online Martindo name, a pride for us to present your midst.
Yamaha V-Ixion CLUB Chapter PONOROGO or shortened by YVC PO, is a motorcycle club for motorcycle riders in the V-Ixion Ponorogo and surrounding areas. PO YVC is a chapter club of YVCI (Yamaha V-Ixion CLUB INDONESIA which is the official club under the auspices of YRC (HONDA RIDER CLUB) and YMKI (YAMAHA MOTOR INDONESIA KENCANA). YVC PO established on January 1, 2009.
Lots of road to success, one of them by creating a network without boundaries through the Internet. This high-class communication to make people more interested in access, not only in specific areas but the entire world. All the information we find almost there. Through this Internet world appears bright idea, Ponorogo If we make online how?
With online Ponorogo, promotion of tourism and cultural world more quickly, creating a longing for residents outside the city, and build a broader Silahturahmi.
The above reasons make us (Team) has launched Online Community Forum Ponorogozone, WWW.PONOROGOZONE.COM. Through this website, we will Ponorogo wide exposure. Ranging from tourism to business opportunities in Ponorogo. All citizens will participate in this. The young generation, Students and Students will play an important role in the development of the next Ponorogo. So from now on, we create a container for them to learn to access information Online.
A gift PonorogoZone invaluable for the Team, because until now we still exist with the website said this Ponorogo community pride. Although in its development, all of our responsibilities with other team. It's not an easy thing to maintain Ponorogo culture. With a little hope, we try to maintain eye Ponorogo in the International World.
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Greetings successful and healthy and prosperous always .... Welcome to the Circle of Friends Member Ponorogo, a blog that a special offer to our citizens wherever Ponorogo currently located. Creative Team Appreciation Pawargo to provide information about the City Ponorogo, in the face of the development of the Global Information Technology. We asked all citizens to participate Ponorogo enliven this blog. Let sharing Activities and Societies Information Ponorogo citizens throughout the world. Articles, photos of activities, special culinary tour Ponorogo, etc.
please send to email pawargo@gmail.com,
Admin via phone +6285655602627,
or join the Mailing Pawargo. So thank you.
Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb
* nb: Pawargo.com standing on the basis of our love for the young generation to Ponorogo and all its contents. Pawargo.com until now financed by donors and the tuition POzone team. Attention from the Government and the donors we hope, to exist in Pawargo.com
What is Kotareyog [dot] com?
Kotareyog [dot] com is a blog aggregator and at the same time BLOGGER warok, whereas Warok own Blogger Community Blogger is Ponorogo Reyog City. At the beginning of this community called Ponorogo Blogger Community (PBC) and was introduced since the mid-2007. After a NgaBar (Ngangkring Together) ato first kopdar dated July 29, 2008, also agreed Blogger Warok standing. Hopefully with this blog can be arena Hospitality and exchange of information between fellow bloggers mapun Indonesian society in general as well as the media information that leads to citizens journalism. With this website can also promote the City Ponorogo still a lot of potential that has not been widely known by the public. Blogger Warok is the name for the blogger community Ponorogo, who was born and the beginning of the show, the prime KopDar Ngabar on .... in corn angkringan square Ponorogo district.
Starting from the idea of friends se-visi ponorogo bloggers, with the shared goal of introducing and promoting district Ponorogo then comes this community. Where until now the virtual world community in Ponorogo minimal, it is reasonable because the small town of Ponorogo is rarely known by anyone but his Reyog art.
Although Blogger Warok a new community in the universe blogosphere, but this community is the first blogger community in the former residency of Madiun and Ponorogo particular. Amid the bustling community of bloggers, Blogger Warok bring a new breeze in the developing world of information.
One purpose of this community is the establishment of human resource development. In the era of information and technology, human resources is strategic. Therefore, this community is not merely community get-togethers, but also has the mission of promoting the existing resources in Ponorogo internet world by introducing the particular blog that still lay in the eyes of society Ponorogo.
Internet synonymous with pornography and negativ things others. This paradigm is to be changed by the Bloggers community Warok with an introduction event blog for the young generation, especially students. By recognizing our blog will know the internet with the internet know we'll know the world.
Together with other bloggers community let us join hands in promoting our city each and RepublikIndonesia beloved country.
Salam Blogger Warok!
Wonogiri Highway 13 KM Sumoroto Ponorogo, East Java
Contact admin:
Afif Nurwilianto
+62 852 33801344 | YM! willwee306
Ahmad Hidayatulloh
+62 813 59204155 | YM azaxs_new
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